In my January post The Rescue: Part I - The Quest Begins, I theorized on the meaning of one of Egwene’s dreams about Mat:
“Mat, weighing two Aes Sedai on a huge set of balance scales, and on his decision depended...She could not say what; something vast; the world, perhaps.” –tPoD, Ch. 15
In that post, I surmised that this meant that Mat would have to choose between saving Moiraine and following the instructions in Verin’s letter, but that he would end up choosing Moiraine (as we know Moiraine is necessary for Rand to win according to Min’s viewing – hence the world depending on his decision).
However, I have recently come up with a variant of this theory that I believe equally plausible. The two Aes Sedai are still Moiraine and Verin, and it will be impossible for him to follow both of their letters, so he must choose. Mat will still choose to save Moiraine. At that point, the theories diverge. The new theory follows this path: upon entering the Tower of Ghenjei to rescue Moiraine, Mat will at some point encounter the Eelfinn - and he will ask them to enable him to carry out the instructions in Verin’s letter. By so doing, Mat effectively cheats his way into being able to follow both letters and choose both Aes Sedai. Both will be essential for the fate of the world.
As price for his wishes, Mat will have to give the Finns his eye, fulfilling Min’s viewing of his eye on a balance scale. The fact that both visions have balance scales – the Aes Sedai, and Mat’s eye – is further indication that they may be related. (For more on Mat’s eye, see The Rescue: Part III -The Price is Paid)
I prefer this theory to my earlier one not only because it would allow Mat to help both Aes Sedai, but also because the idea of sidestepping the rules to do the impossible fits quite well with Mat’s personality - as well as his luck.
Quote of the Day:
“We’ll talk about it,” she murmured, the bond filling with stubborn resolve.
The most dire words a woman can say short of “I’m going to kill you,” Rand thought.
-KoD, Ch. 20
Matt already got his three wishes from the Eelfin. He doesn't get anymore.